Time to expand our muffin recipe collection! Muffins are a fantastic dessert: Sweet, small, versatile, simple, quick to make and allowing you to be very creative!

After we have already shared our basic muffin recipe with sugar glaze with you, there is another classic recipe that shouldn’t be missing in any recipe collection: The fantastic chocolate chip muffins!

So this is for all the muffin and chocolate lovers!

Things to know before you start

Time Schedule

Steps Work time Waiting time
Mix ~15 minutes
Fill muffin pan ~10 minutes
Bake 20-25 minutes
Cool ~5 minutes 30 minutes

In under 1,5 hours you will have some great chocolate chip muffins.

Total ingredients

Weight Ingredient
125 g Butter
180 g Buttermilk
2x Eggs (large)
300 g All-purpose flour
10 g Baking powder
150 g White sugar
8 g Vanilla sugar
3 g Salt
150 g Milk chocolate chips

All these ingredients will yield you 12 chocolate chip muffins.

Info: If you don’t have buttermilk, you can substitute it with 3,5% fat milk.


Another super simple recipe for chocolate chip muffins with just 4 steps.

Baking tools

You will need 12 cupcake cups and a muffin pan to hold the structure. We recommend silicone cupcake cups, because they are reusable and the filling won’t wet out like the ones made out of paper.

Besides that a simple hand mixer and two bowls are enough to make these muffins.


1. Mix

Weight Ingredient
125 g Butter (softened)
180 g Buttermilk
2x Eggs (large)
  • Mix softened butter and buttermilk
  • Afterwards add the eggs one at a time and mix well after each addition
Weight Ingredient
300 g All-purpose flour
10 g Baking powder
150 g White sugar
8 g Vanilla sugar
3 g Salt
  • Sift all the dry ingredients together in a second bowl and stir until combined
  • Add them to the previously created dough step by step while mixing further until fully incorporated
Weight Ingredient
150 g Milk chocolate chips
  • Fold the chocolate chips into the dough with a big spoon

2. Fill Muffin Pan

  • Place one cupcake cup per muffin tin in the muffin pan
  • Fill each cupcake cup nearly to the brim with the previously made dough
  • Give the whole muffin pan a slight shake so the dough sets a bit
  • If you want to you can also drizzle some chocolate chips on top of the dough

Chocolate Chip Muffins Before Baking

3. Bake

  • Preheat oven to 175°C (347°F) for ~20 minutes with the circulating heat function
  • Place the muffin pan on a baking grill in the middle rack and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown
  • After baking, take your finished chocolat chip muffins out immediately, but keep them in the muffin pan
  • Tip: Check if the muffins are ready by sticking a skewer in the middle until you reach the bottom and pull it out again. If it comes out clean, the muffins are done. If not, bake for 2 more minutes and check again.

4. Cool

  • Let your chocolate chip muffins cool in the muffin pan for about 10 minutes
  • Afterwards transfer each muffin on a cooling rack or something else and let it cool completely for about 20 minutes



Yes, we love these little guys – basically a small cake that can be enjoyed in so many ways.

They are sweet, fluffy and with this lovely chocolate taste they are unbeatable!

Of course you cannot only be creative when using the basic recipe but also when baking the chocolate chip muffins: whether you like the classic chocolate chip version or you would like to have a little more and add something on top like some chocolate glaze – the choice is yours!

It is best to wait until they cooled down a little but if you prefer you can also enjoy them when they are still a bit warm so they will melt in your mouth (especially the chocolate of course!).
